Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children / Ransom Riggs

Titre de série

Ransom Riggs

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Du même auteur

Hollow city / Ransom Riggs | Riggs, Ransom (1979-....). Auteur

Hollow city / Ransom Riggs

Riggs, Ransom (1979-....). Auteur | Livre | Quirk Books. Philadelphia | 2014

Hollow city draws readers into a richly imagined world of telepathy and time loops, of sideshows and shapeshifters : a world populated with adult "peculiars", murderous wights, and a bizarre menagerie of uncanny animals...

Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children, 2

Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children / Ransom Riggs | Riggs, Ransom (1979-....). Auteur

Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children /...

Riggs, Ransom (1979-....). Auteur | Livre | Quirk Books. Philadelphia | 2014

A mysterious island. An abandoned orphanage. A strange collection of peculiar photographs. It all waits to be discovered in Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children, an unforgettable novel that mixes fiction and photography in ...

Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children, 1

Miss Peregrine et les enfants particuliers / Ransom Riggs | Riggs, Ransom. Auteur

Miss Peregrine et les enfants particuliers / ...

Riggs, Ransom. Auteur | Titre de série | Bayard

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