Tell your ma, tell your pa - ghost town Poem for Eva - wildwood flower - creep - variation on a theme [tales from the farside] - follow your heart - i'm so lonesome I could cry - what a world - my man's gone now - outlaw - when I fall in love - big Bob - winter always turns to spring - justice and honor - fingers snappin' and toes tappin' - under a golden sky
Le géant de la guitare sort son premier album solo depuis près de 20 ans ! A n'en pas douter, un événement pour tout mélomane qui se respecte. Enregistré dans les studios Flora Recording & Playback du légendaire Tucker Martine et ...
Pretty stars - Winslow homer - Change in the air - What do you want ? - Thankful - Ron Carter - Think about it - In line - Rambler - The pioneers - Monica Jane - Miss you - Go happy lucky - Kentucky derby - Made to shine - Rambler (Alternate version)