The Dark Knight Returns : 30th anniversary edition / Frank Miller


Frank Miller ; Aut. Klaus Janson, Lynn Varley ; interviewé Brian Azzarello ; Collectif

Edité par DC comics. New york , 2016

Together with inker Klaus Janson and colorist Lynn Varley, writer-artist Frank Miller completely reinvents the legend of Batman in his saga of a near-future Gotham City gone to rot, 10 years after the Dark Knight's retirement. This masterpiece of modern comics storytelling brings to vivid life a dark world and an even darker man. The Dark Knight returns in a blaze of fury, taking on a whole new generation of criminals and matching their level of violence. He is soon joined by a new Robin - a girl named Carrie Kelley, who proves to be just as invaluable as her predecessors. But can Batman and Robin deal with the threat posed by their deadliest enemies, after years of incarceration have turned them into perfect psychopaths ? And more important, can anyone survive the coming fallout from an undeclared war between the superpowers - or the clash of what were once the world's greatest heroes ?

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