Lightfall : The Girl & the Galdurian / Tim Probert


Tim Probert

Edité par Harper Collins. New York , 2020

For fans of Amulet and middle grade readers who love sweeping worlds like Star Wars, the first book of the Lightfall series introduces Bea and Cad, two unlikely friends who get swept up in an epic quest to save their world from falling into eternal darkness. Deep in the heart of the planet Irpa stands the Salty Pig’s House of Tonics & Tinctures, home of the wise Pig Wizard and his adopted granddaughter, Bea. As keepers of the Endless Flame, they live a quiet and peaceful life, crafting medicines and potions for the people of their once-prosperous world. All that changes one day when, while walking through the woods, Bea meets Cad, a member of the Galdurians, an ancient race thought to be long-extinct. Cad believes that if anyone can help him find his missing people, it’s the Pig Wizard. But when the two arrive home, the Pig Wizard is nowhere to be found—all that’s left is the Jar of Endless Flame and a mysterious note. Fearing for the Pig Wizard’s safety, Bea and Cad set out across Irpa to find him, while danger fights its way out of the shadows and into the light. Will these two unexpected friends find the beloved Pig Wizard and prevent eternal darkness from blanketing their world? Or has Irpa truly seen its last sunrise ?
Dans le monde d'Irpa, Béa vit avec son grand-père, un Cochon-Sorcier fabricant de potions et gardien de la Flamme éternelle. Quand il disparaît mystérieusement, la jeune fille doit surmonter son anxiété maladive pour tenter de le retrouver. Sa rencontre avec Cad, un Galdurien aussi enjoué qu'intrépide, pourrait bien changer le cours de son destin.

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