Lightfall : Shadow of the Bird / Tim Probert


Tim Probert

Edité par Harper Collins. New York , 2022

In the second installment of the award-winning, critically acclaimed Lightfall series, Bea and Cad continue their quest to stop Kest, the mythic bird who stole the sun. Perfect for middle grade fans of Amulet and Avatar the Last Airbender, Lightfall: Shadow of the Bird is another breathtaking journey into the magical world of Irpa, where epic battles and powerful creatures abound. After a battle that nearly cost them their lives, Bea and Cad awaken in the hidden settlement of the Arsai, mysterious creatures who can glimpse into the future. The Arsai's vision paints a dire picture for their planet, as the bird Kest Ke Belenus--now awoken from a restless slumber--threatens to destroy all the Lights of Irpa. Desperate for a solution, Bea and Cad seek out the help of a water spirit known as Lorgon, whose ancient wisdom may help them find a way to take down Kest and save Irpa from utter destruction. But when their time with Lorgon presents more questions than answers, Bea and Cad must decide what's more important . . . stopping Kest or uncovering the truth.
A l'issue d'une bataille épique, l'Oiseau Kest, Destructeur du Soleil, s'est emparé de la dernière flamme. D'un jour à l'autre, les lumières menacent de disparaître de la surface d'Irpa... Cherchant désespérément une solution pour sauver la planète, la jeune Béa et son ami Galdurien, Cad, partent à la recherche de l'esprit des eaux, censé leur donner des réponses... Mais ce sont de nouvelles questions qui les attendent. Dans l'impasse, ils devront faire un choix : arrêter l'oiseau mythique ou découvrir la vérité. La quête lumineuse et fantastique continue...

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